Friday, June 18, 2010

and the winner is.....

and the new name of the Pug is:

mriek said...

I like Billy as a name! :D

Thanks to all of you who participated, I'll email to you the pattern as soon as it's ready :)


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

give, give, give... giveaway...

This is my latest project, but still don't have a name :(
Este es mi ultimo proyecto pero aun no tiene nombre :(


Soooooo, name the Pug and get the pattern, I'll publish the winner on Friday
Asi que si le ponen nombre al perrito les envío el patrón, publicare el ganador el viernes

Leave your comment here with your e-mail adress so I can contact you later :D
Dejen su comentario con su e-mail para poder contactarl@s luego :D

Friday, June 11, 2010



"¿Y si en vez de planear tanto, voláramos un poco más alto?"

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

anata & atashi

another custom order :D

anata & atashi

from the book of Chii, "The city with no people"
- Anata & Atashi -